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Archive of Past Meditations

Below is a listing of all of the meditations that I have written over the years. I have put them into four categories: Jesus, Struggles, Weakness and Difficulties, Personal Stories and Word Pictures and, Growth and Healing.

All of these meditations are words that God has spoken to my heart either while spending time with Him or just living life. These meditations are lessons that God has taught me, and it is with His joy that I share them with you.


Doe He know you? - A challenging word, encouraging us to let Jesus know us.

God's Amazing Faithfulness Part 2 - God longs to gather you and bring you back to Himself.

His Friendship - Are you a friend of the King?

His Love Made Complete In Us - Meditation from the book of 1 John..."Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and truth."

Jesus, Our Good Shepherd - A comparison of Moses' prayer that God would send a shepherd to lead the people of Israel, and Jesus' own words about Himself.

New Wine- Encourages those in music and ministry to share from the depths of Jesus' New Wine (and New Covenant) to quench thirsty souls.

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus - Explores the mystery of the "Blood of Jesus".

The Source of Our Confidence - Our confidence is in Jesus alone.

Water from the Rock - God desires to quench our spiritual thirst by filling us with Himself.

God With Us - Explores the many times God encourages His people that He is with us. Immanuel--God WITH us.

What Does it Mean to be Redeemed? - Explores the uses of the often confusing word "redemption".

Struggles, Weakness, and Difficulties

Boasting in My Weakness - Our weaknesses highlight Jesus' strength.

God's Amazing Faithfullness Part 1 - Even if we are faithless, He remains faithful.

His Purpose - Should God's plan fit into our lives, or our lives fit into God's plan.

He Is The Gift - Even difficulties in our lives can be seen as gifts from God. Ultimately, Jesus is the Gift.

Honey from the Rock - God can often pour out the sweetness of His presence, even in the midst of our hardest times.

Lessons from the Storm - Lessons learned from Hurricane Isabel...thrial and storms in our lives can help us see what is truly essential.

Living Water - Sometimes when we are at our "weakest", God chooses to speak the most profound words into our lives nonetheless, satisfying our thirsty souls.

Look for the Good--Part 1 - Beauty and Pain--There are few things in life that are profoundly beautiful that do no also contain some element of pain.

Look for the Good--Part 2 - You are NOT Alone--Even in life's difficult seasons, we can be assured that He is with us, even if we don't feel it in the moment.

Out of the Ashes - Words from the California wildfires...Jesus can cause abundant gardens to grow in the scorched earth of your life.

Understand? - Contemplating Communion...broken to feed the hungry.

Uphill Battles - God's refreshing, sustaining presence in the midst of the "steep" times in our lives.

Winter Wonder - Word picture that explores seeing God's beautiful work, in the midst of trying circumstances.

Growth and Healing

Are You Practicing Today? - Contemplations after practicing the guitar one day..."We need to practice doing good".

Build Us Up, Lord - Meditations from the book of Hebrews..."God is the builder of everything".

Little By Little - God is patient in our lives, giving us the "victory" bit by bit.

Look and Live - Look to Jesus, Who became "sin" for us, so we might live.

Remake Me, Lord - In remembrance of "9/11"...Soften our Hearts.

Roots - Is there a "bitter root" lying beneath the surface of your heart?

Weeds - Let the "Master" Gardener gently pull out the "weeds" that hinder your growth, so that He can cause you to flourish as He desires.

Personal Stories and Word Pictures

Birds of the Air -Stories of birds, speaking deeply regarding our need to surrender, seek healing and lay aside our fears.

Birds, Lilies and His Kingdom -Stories of mourning doves and chickadees nesting on our property, and how their actions spoke volumes.

Bowing Trees Lay Down their Leaves - Word picture using Autumn leaves to illustrate submission to God's will throughout the "dying" process.

Christmas Gift - A remarkable gift from the heart of our son when he had just turned four years old.

Computer Concepts - A word picture using various computer components to illustrate God's hand at work in the church.

Good Light, Irene - Lessons learned from making preparations for "Hurricane Irene", as well as spending several days during the resulting black-out.

He Watches Over You - A word picture focusing on God's parent-heart toward us.

I Heard the Bells, Part 1 - A Singer's Christmas Story about God's gentle, everyday miracle.

I Heard the Bells Part 2 - Divine "coincidence".

Jesus, My GPS - Jesus is like a GPS, guiding us safely to shore, even when our vision is obscured by the deepest fog.

My Seven Cents - How Jesus uses the little we can offer, to shine His light into the darkness.

Pearl of Great Price - Is it possible that Jesus considers there to be a treasure in the field of your heart and this world?

Real Thing - Do you yearn for the "real thing" in the spiritual realm, yet find yourself settling for mere imitations? Jesus offers you the "real deal" every day.

Reflections- Word picture, seeing the glory in the face of Christ being reflected off our lives, in the way the sunlight shines off brilliant leaves in Autumn.

rockstars - A rather lengthy, yet remarkable story about God's faithful leading over several years... Have you ever had the "planets line up" in your life?

rockstars--addendum - A very brief addition to the above story.

Unbind Him and Let Him Go - Story inspired during a time of sorrow, having Jesus unbind our hearts.

Uncle Chas--Memorial - Memories of my brother-in-law and the legacy of his life lived for Jesus.

You Be My Vision - The importance of allowing the Scriptures to shine the light of Jesus in an increasingly dark world. (Includes my song "You Be My Vision".)


I don't claim to be a " Bible Scholar", an expert on theology, or have great knowledge about religion. My meditations are simply insights about God that I have gotten while spending quiet moments alone with Jesus. Or, while spending time studying His word, the Bible.

Web Design/Graphics/Photography by Bob Prokopowitz
© 2009 - 2019 Lisa Prokopowitz dba Shining River